The greatest asset in Equine Therapy
What do you think is the most important common denominator for your horse to feel safe in its body, live healthy and explore its potential?
It is you.
You are your horses greatest asset.
And you can only pour from a full cup. So fill it.
The very best thing we can do for the ones that are most important to us is making sure that we can be the best version of ourselves.
If we become fluent in understanding why we feel what we feel and therefore why we do what we do, we actively start to recognize and identify our own energy. It creates a resonance and congruity from the inside to the outside. Horses are a match for that and excellent at reading our story.
I believe it to be the reason why we seek out horses. They show us something within us that we recognize. When we learn to connect back to that, you will do the things you do from a different place. You will ask questions in a different way, you will reflect in a different way, you will make different decisions.
Understand what is on the inside and the outside will follow. Certainly.